Fowler Band Fall Fundraiser


Goal: $3,000
Ranking #4
Raised $2,325
Needed $675
Time Left 3 weeks


generic participant image
Aaradhya K.
generic participant image
Aarav V.
generic participant image
Alicia G.
generic participant image
Alivia G.
generic participant image
Anubhav Sharma
generic participant image
Arjun D.
generic participant image
Arjunsai A.
generic participant image
Ashrith D.
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Cavin R.
generic participant image
Claire L.
generic participant image
Dana S.
generic participant image
Dhruv K.
generic participant image
Eilidh A.
generic participant image
Ethan L.
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Grace L.
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Hazel T.
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Ihrah S.
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Isha M.
generic participant image
Jinay D.
generic participant image
Jyoshna V.
generic participant image
Kaankshith Baskuruni Parameswaran
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generic participant image
Krishna Sai M.
generic participant image
Krishnakaushik A.
generic participant image
Lauren W.
generic participant image
Lisa O.
participant image of Madeline C.
Madeline C.
generic participant image
Mukundh A.
generic participant image
Namish T.
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Prakasa Aditya A.
generic participant image
Riddhika S.
generic participant image
Sahana N.
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Sarayu E.
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Shreya K.
generic participant image
Shreya S.
generic participant image
Skanda K.
generic participant image
Smera B.
generic participant image
Tanvi B.
generic participant image
Yurah S.
campaign image for Fowler Band Fall Fundraiser


As we all know, the journey to creating exceptional musical experiences and memories comes with its own set of costs. We're not alone in this endeavor; hundreds of bands across Texas are seeking support, grants, and sponsorship to ensure their programs thrive.


OUR GOAL: To secure the funds needed to offset operational expenses, acquire new instruments, equipment, clinicians, judges, awards, incentives, contest opportunities, offset party costs and offer financial aid to our Fowler Band students.


Picture this: With your dedication and effort, we have the opportunity to achieve a record-breaking year for our band program. We've seen bands in our area raising $40,000, $50,000, and even over $60,000 in their fan pledge efforts. We have a community of passionate parents, students, and supporters who believe in the power of music education and its impact on our students' lives. Together, we can make a resounding statement that Fowler is committed to excellence!

Our Goal $25,000
$19,396 Raised
$5,604 Needed

Donations accepted until 4/23/2025 11:59 pm

Top Teams

Euphonium & Tuba$2,601
Double Reed & French Horn$2,165

Get more information about our Teams here:

Recent Donations

$50.00 from xiaorong fu
2 weeks ago
$50.00 from Kevin Arndorfer
2 weeks ago

Eilidh Arndorfer

$50.00 from Aunt Becky
12/17/2024 8:16 pm

Music is something to treasure!❣️

$100.00 from kalyan
12/16/2024 8:19 pm

All the very best Dhruv!!

$100.00 from unknown
12/8/2024 7:14 pm

Sahana Reddy Nandre

$25.00 from Zena
12/8/2024 11:03 am

From Zena (Mrs Evans Granddaughter)

$50.00 from Dad
12/8/2024 11:03 am

Keep up the good work.

$25.00 from Rachel Walters
12/8/2024 11:03 am

Good Luck

$75.00 from Do
12/7/2024 6:57 pm

Proud of you Lisa

$100.00 from Parameswaran Baskuruni Ranganayakulk
12/6/2024 10:16 pm
$100.00 from Rajesh Durairaj
12/6/2024 5:15 pm

Cavin Rajeshkanna

$100.00 from Anitha palani
12/6/2024 3:01 pm

All the best Aarav Viswanathan

$25.00 from Shreya Kootakil
12/5/2024 8:39 pm
$25.00 from Dan B.
12/3/2024 2:59 pm

Thank you so much for supporting Xander! He'd love to support you as well! Let's go Fowler Band!

$25.00 from Jennipher Oluoch
11/23/2024 12:44 am

Super proud of you Lisa.

$50.00 from unknown
11/21/2024 8:53 pm

Arjun Deshpande

I enjoy when you play, keep playing.

$50.00 from Mommeryam
11/19/2024 9:42 am

You are doing great with your flute! Keep it up :) And Happy Birthday 🎉 From Mommeryam and Dada.

$80.00 from Grandpa Raymond, Grandma Betty, Uncle Dominic, Auntie V
11/18/2024 10:40 pm

Cheering you on from Canada! We're so proud of you, Hazel. You're doing great! Keep it up, work hard and try as much as you can!

(Your aunt, also a former junior high flutist, is doubly proud!)

$75.00 from Auntie Natalie
11/18/2024 6:31 pm

Rock out on the flute and have fun Hazel!

$29.99 from K. Jay Chow
11/17/2024 11:36 am

I am the great-uncle of your flutist Hazel Tsui of the Fowler Band. I am happy to donate $29.99. ("9" rhymes with "longevity" in Chinese.)

Please tell her that I live in an apartment and I do not mow the lawn 😆.

$25.00 from Dennis
11/17/2024 9:17 am

Best of luck with your fundraiser!

$15.00 from unknown
11/14/2024 12:46 pm
$25.00 from Srini Akula
11/13/2024 9:12 pm
$60.00 from Cash
11/12/2024 9:11 pm
$20.00 from Ashesh
11/12/2024 8:59 pm


$100.00 from Gayathri
11/12/2024 7:38 am

Sarayu Endreddy

$100.00 from Nitin Thakkar
11/11/2024 10:39 pm

opt out for band fundraiser for Namish Thakkar

$20.00 from unknown
11/11/2024 9:44 pm

Keep up the good work!

$20.00 from Aditya Gupta
11/11/2024 9:38 pm

Keep it up Anubhav. Aditya Uncle

$20.00 from Tulasi B
11/11/2024 6:27 pm

Tanvi Bandarupalli

$10.00 from Ananya
11/11/2024 5:40 pm

Good luck with your funding

$25.00 from deepa velumani
11/11/2024 4:23 pm

Jyoshna Vijai Anand

$100.00 from Aruna Surampudi
11/11/2024 2:30 pm

Prakasa Aditya Akkiraju - Honor band (Flute)

$50.00 from Arjunsai Anandkumar
11/11/2024 1:01 pm

Arjunsai Anandkumar

$100.00 from Jenna Chung
11/10/2024 8:09 pm

Ethan Lim

$25.00 from deepa velumani
11/10/2024 4:35 pm

Jyoshna Vijai Anand

$100.00 from TOMONORI TANABE
11/10/2024 12:44 pm


$25.00 from unknown
11/10/2024 12:17 am